COME BE A SUPER HERO IN BALI! Recruiting 1 more.

Here is the super-scoop!
There is one spot remaining on our EARTH STARS adventure, circus family expedition of the year! We aim to share a heart-warming blissful family connection at SUPER VILLA HQ, and then take our colourful vibrations to the Volcano evacuation camps.
Here is the our gorgeous home.

You don't need to be a circus expert to play, but more willing to put yourself out there in your most bright, colourful, flamboyant self for the children.
We will also be running an array of workshops at our home including; yoga, clowning and contact improvisation.
We will make about 10 visits in total to the camps where 1000's of gorgeous local people have been made homeless by the Volcano evacuation on the island. On one of our trips we are also planning on creating a collaborative painting with the children that is being organised by quite a famous artist. (more to come on that )
Not only that we will be showing the painting, fundraising and hosting workshops at the AMAZING Bali Spirit Festival. We will have free tickets to the festival in exchange for our awesome contributions. So COOL!
Many of the details are still buzzing around like excited butterflies, but soon they will land. And so will we, IN BALI! Together as a cosmic circus family.
So 1 spot left. Need someone willing to fully confirm and commit!
If you'rw curious - Contact Me with;
1) what you would like ot share with the children?
2) what excites you about the project?
3) what you would like to share with the family in our super home?
Sending you all big squeezes and gallon of love,
make magic!
Curly xxx